Career Development Tip #15 - You Just Never Know...

Career Development Tip #15 - You Just Never Know...
Who you are going to be working for, or who you are going to be working with.  One of my early mentors used to say this when I would get frustrated with one of my bosses.  I would get so frustrated I would call her and tell her I thought it was time for me to move on to another position. She would repeat this sage advice and remind me that...
1) People quit.  What if I gave up my position, just to find out the boss who was bugging me quit the next month? 
2) People get fired.  If they are bothering you, you never know who else has an issue with them too.

Change is inevitable.  It is important to manage your career to meet your goals, not in reaction to a given situation that could change in a few weeks or months.  We live in a world where instant gratification is all around us; we are encouraged to give up on a situation too quickly.  Those who stick to it, and work through a difficult situation prove themselves to be a valuable asset to any organization.  This is important, because even if it does become time to make a change, potential employers will find you more attractive and you will be able to leverage your tenacity into a better position and better offer. 

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