Career Development Tip #20: Make Friends In All The Right Places...

Career Development Tip #20: Make Friends In All The Right Places...
I believe it was Hillary Clinton who said, "It takes a village to raise a child".  Well, sometimes it takes a village to do a great number of things; as evidenced by our Thanksgiving e-card project in our firm today!  Can I get an Amen from...Coreena, Stacey, Tish, Scott, Trish, Frank, Stef and my monitor that was smacked, repeatedly.  The card got done, but only because the whole village (and a few folks from the surrounding villages) worked together!
Make sure to take extra time to help our other people with their projects and goals, with no expectation of anything in return.  When you do, it is amazing how people will pitch in and help when you need it.  This is how great work places are formed; a group of people all going above and beyond for each other, with no expectation of anything in return.  Try it.  You will be amazed at how good it feels.

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