Career Development Tip #7:Two Magic Questions

Career Development Tip #7: Two Magic Questions
This is probably the single best piece of advice I have ever gotten in my career.  A mentor early in my life told me to end every one on one meeting with my boss with the "two magic questions".
1) What can I be doing better? Most leaders get a little lump in their throat when it comes to giving "feedback" to their employees.  Even when constructive criticism would be beneficial for a subordinate, it is still tough to deliver.  By asking your boss, "What can I be doing better" you are demonstrating your professionalism and respect for both their position and opinion.  Additionally, and you will hear things to help you grow that others simply won't hear, because they don't ask. 
2) What else can I be doing to help you? This will give you the chance to be exposed to more learning opportunities than others employees, simply because you ask.  If there is a special project or initiative coming up, you are more likely to be tapped on the shoulder to help.  Ever heard the phrase, "It's lonely at the top"?  Well it is.  Your boss shouldn't confide in you about other employees, that would be inappropriate, but by asking you show you care about them and that means a lot. 

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