Tip #14 - From a Guest Blogger Linda Hardham, RN, MN, CPC, ACC

Listening, Again!

Is it possible to be over-reminded to listen?  Stated another way, why, oh why, do we find it so hard to stay on track with another and keep our focus away from ourselves? Daniel Goleman of social and emotional intelligence fame suggests that self-absorption is at the root of our inability to listen fully; that it kills empathy and compassion.  As we all know, compassion, empathy and outreach to another take time and energy, require in-depth listening and place the emphasis on the “other”, away from ourselves.  Causative factors are well understood - the pressure we all experience in our leadership roles is associated with the need to accomplish the outcomes we or others expect of us.  And this pressure can be very intense as we strive, every minute of every day, to meet deadlines and prepare for the next meeting or presentation.  In addition, we may spend a great deal of effort struggling to make sense of situations or circumstances that impinge on us, so we seek out others to listen to us, hoping for that empathy, compassion and understanding from another regarding our own consternation and grief. Having someone to listen to us is as important as listening to others.

Do you have a capable mentor or coach to whom you can turn when you need to be listened to so that you can find your own answers?  If so, you will likely find that your self-absorption is lessened, that you can then more fully focus on others and provide the support and service they expect and need from you.

For more information on Linda you can find her LinkedIn Profile by putting Linda Hardham in the basic people search or email heather@letmeshutmydoor.com for Linda's contact Information.
