Practical steps for applying acuity-based staffing

Practical steps for applying acuity-based staffing

In the healthcare arena, change happens at a rapid pace. Healthcare leaders face the continual challenge of delivering high-quality patient care while managing costs. A growing body of evidence shows that patient acuity-driven staffing is an effective way to optimize nurse staffing to improve patient outcomes and promote clinical and organizational excellence.
How do we turn that evidence into a transformative reality? On July 14, 2016, American Nurse Todayand GE Healthcare cohosted a webinar that addressed that question. Four nurse leaders—all of them pioneers in acuity-based staffing research and implementation—presented a strong case detailing why acuity-based staffing is imperative, not just for patients and nurses but also for healthcare organizations as a whole. They offered practical guidelines on how nurses can foster change, both across the profession and within their local organizations. Read full article HERE.

Author: Meaghan O'Keeffe, BSN, RN
American Nurse Today
