Self-employed fear ACA repeal means 'job lock'

Self-employed fear ACA repeal means 'job lock'

Joshua Lapp left a full-time job with health benefits in 2014 to launch an urban planning firm with two partners. Columbus, Ohio-based Designing Locally has grown rapidly, with projects all over the county.

There's no way Lapp, 27, would have considered starting his own business before the Affordable Care Act took effect because he has a congenital heart condition. He was able to buy a health plan through the federal exchange, which costs him $300 a month. He hasn't had to worry about insurers denying him coverage -- as they could before the law -- for his condition, which requires a $100,000 operation every five to 10 years to replace his cardiac pacemaker. 

His two business partners and their significant others also have ACA coverage as self-employed people. “Being able to buy my own affordable plan on the exchange allowed me to step out on my own,” he said. “It's a big enabler for all of us.” Read full article HERE

By Harris Meyer
December 28, 2016
Modern Healthcare
