Goal Setting for the New Year

How To Set Goals 
That Get What You Want Out Of The New Year
Goal setting skills for the new year or any time

By Elizabeth Scott, MS (verywell.com)
Photo credits: Buena Vista Images/Stone/Getty Images

Every year, throngs of people—maybe even you—choose a list of resolutions for the next year. Generally, these are habits they will try to do every day, or habits they will try to avoid for as long as they can. Unfortunately, many of these resolutions are forgotten by March. A major reason for this is that it’s deceptively difficult to develop or deny ingrained habits ‘cold turkey’.
While the effort to adopt resolution shows a wonderful sense of positive intent, a better alternative is to develop new goals for the future.
And it helps to work toward them as a more gradual process rather than expecting to change immediately. Goals are a better plan than resolutions for a few key reasons:

Rigid vs. Fluid:
Resolutions stay the same: “I will go to bed early.” “I will stop eating certain junk.” “I will go to the gym regularly even though I don't go at all right now.” If these are somewhat big changes, it may feel like a huge change with no buildup. Goals, however, can be tackled in steps, beginning with baby steps and increasing in difficulty as you become more accustomed to the change. This makes goals more realistic for lasting change... Read full article HERE.
