Tip #7 - Optimize Your Resume

Optimize Your Resume

Most job seekers know the frustration related to their resume going into “the black hole”. Additional frustrations we have heard expressed:
· Receiving calls for jobs for which they did not apply, and not being called for the job they do want.
· People calling to interview them who haven’t actually read their resume or accomplishments.
· Getting one interview, but never hearing anything beyond that first interview.
Here are a few tips to help you write a resume that will get you noticed:
· Pick the right format. Depending on experience a standard chronological, skills based or curriculum
vitae are the three most commonly used formats. Email Coreena@letmeshutmydoor.com if you would like specific details about these formats or a template to one or all of them.
· Outline your responsibilities. To whom do you report? How many people do you oversee? Do you manage a budget, size of budgets and the last few years of results. Make sure your responsibilities are clearly listed and defined. Pick no more than five of your biggest responsibilities, per position.
· List your achievements. Be sure to quantify the achievement and the impact it had on the organization. This is your chance for unabashed bragging. Any special projects, duties, committees, honors, awards or more! This is a chance to list your successes. It is important to have at least three, but no more than five. Keep in mind, these accomplishments should be your “banner moments” of the position. If you are having a hard time coming up with accomplishments think about filling in this sentence, “when I leave this company, I will be remembered for________”.
· Clearly state your education. You want to clearly state your education, as well as, any certifications, or special training. Be sure to use proper terminology. Type out any abbreviations and acronyms. You want your resume to be found in a search if posting on job boards.
· Memberships. If you are a member of any major trade organizations, be sure to include those
memberships as well. Potential employers get excited about people who are involved in professional organizations and take their own career path seriously.
· “Don’ts” - Don’t copy your company job description into a WordDoc and call it your resume. Don’t start every sentence with “I”, don’t list your reason for leaving jobs on the resume especially if it’s deeply
personal and don’t use font size smaller than 9 or larger than 12. Last but not least, don’t use anything “cute” for font such as script or comic.
Writing a resume may seem overwhelming, remember the purpose of a resume is to highlight your experience and determine if there is mutual continuing interest. Keep it simple.
